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Reinvent/Next Consulting

Association Innovation & Ideation Strategic Advisory Services 
Presented By SMB Strategic Media LLC - CEO, Shakira M. Brown 

Being an association executive has its day-to-day challenges, however, many elements of an association’s business and life are currently being tested. In some cases, the next normal may look very different as new ways of working, communicating and learning are carried over into the future.  But, how will association leaders move their organizations forward? Where will ideas come from?  Do they have access to the human capital and resources to make necessary adjustments to thrive?

The good news is no one is expected to have all of the answers, in fact in some cases, there are no answers – just ideas. This is where having access to a seasoned business advisor is an essential asset.  

Value-Add Advisory Support for Association Industry Leaders 

We are now offering Reinvent/Next Consulting which provides trade associations and/or their members with innovation & ideation advisory services to assist in cultivating new ideas to transform their organizations. Whether they want to get opinions or discuss specific matters, they will have the access they need and want.  


Here’s How it Works: Two Ways You Can Provide This Value to Member Associations:

Trade Association Member Discounted Pricing Plan ***MOST POPULAR***

Your trade association pays a flat, upfront fee of $5,000 for a period of six months which will provide your membership access to our Association Innovation & Ideation Advisory Services at a special discounted member rate of $150 per hour for an up to 60 minute virtual session (your flat fee offsets the normal rate $375 per hour.) Members pay the special rate directly to SMB Strategic Media LLC. Our special calendar link will be provided to you for the “members only” area of your trade association website where members can sign-up and pay for sessions as needed. YOUR MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS CAN RECEIVE UP TO THREE SCHEDULED SESSIONS (ONE PER CALENDAR MONTH) AT THE SPECIAL RATE DURING THE SIX MONTH PERIOD. 

Why Choose This Plan – Low upfront investment for your association to provide a *new* member benefit in the form of a discounted fee for members, offset by your association, to gain access to advisory consulting services they need to help them navigate the road ahead without a costly, long-term consulting contract. 

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Trade Association Master Subscription Plan

Your trade association subscribes to our Association Innovation & Ideation Advisory Services for $3,500 per calendar month to give your members access to up to 15 hours of "no-cost to them" scheduled virtual consulting services per month (on a first-come, first served basis.) It can be offered as a *NEW* member benefit. Our special calendar link will be provided for a “members only” area of your website where members can sign-up for sessions each month during your subscription period. If members need more than one session per month they can purchase more sessions directly with us at regular rates. (Details: three-month subscription minimum, 1 hour increment per member organization each calendar month, unused hours do not/not carry over month to month. Additionally, the master subscribing trade association receives 1 hour of advisory service per month, plus a one-time, optional 1 quantity brainstorming virtual workshop for up two hours. )

Why Choose This Plan? – Members who have associated the value of their annual membership with LIVE in-person events will recognize this as a new value-add that is designed to support their immediate needs. In addition, members are more likely to leverage the service if it is offered to them at no-cost and connect the value from the sessions to their membership with your organization.  


Marketing copy for e-newsletters and your website to promote the offering are included with both plans. 


Here's What Your Members Can Expect

Association leaders have a lot on their minds as they face the future and they need talk through their challenges and concerns. Oftentimes a third party advisor can be a welcome voice of reason. During each custom consulting sessions your members may”


  1. Evaluating Need and Readiness. Clear the air about what needs to be addressed and unpack the organization’s individualized needs.  

  2. Probe for Deeper Understanding. Taking a look at their organization’s position in the industry and identifying what to amplify and enhance.

  3. Openly Share Ideas for Feedback. Providing a “safe place” to allow creativity to thrive in order to offer new ways of generating radical new ideas as the path to the conceptual solution

  4. Uncovering a Path Forward. Evaluating the potential ‘Behavior or Mindset Change’ necessary to make ideas come to fruition.

  5. Someone to Listen. It's good to have someone outside of your organization to just listen and help others hear you. 


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Your Lead Consultant
Shakira M. Brown is a business advisor, branding and business communication strategist and a national professional speaker. She is also the CEO of SMB Strategic Media LLC, a branding and business communications firm.
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